Well, the King-Sturge-Cardiff-City-Flog-it-Cash-in-the-Attic-Car-Booty-Going-for-a-Song auction has ended, and after a quick scan of the lots, everything has gone. Even the rubbish bins were sold (presumably without their contents) I'm sure Ridsdale could've milked it a bit longer by turning the whole thing into a daytime BBC2 auction show hosted by perma-tanned mahogany legend David 'Dicko' Dickinson. The format could've been so simple. Two teams leg it round Ninian Park, armed with screwdrivers and crowbars, dismantling signs and disassembling turnstiles, taking their booty to the nearest auction house where a monocled jolly hockey sticks auctioneer type sells it to the highest bidder, with the team making the most money donating their winnings to a children's hospice. SimpleWhen I looked at the lots last Friday morning before the auction began, I fancied a corner flag, imagining it pride of place in the centre of my back lawn. 48 hours later, a corner flag was fetching £60-£70 quid. The dream was over, shattered into tiny pieces. Anything else I thought. A sign, a floor tile, this season's teamsheets, a row of seats, one of the dugouts. How would I explain one of the Cardiff City dugouts being in my back garden. 'Don't worry darling, I'll turn it into a water feature'. I hope a Cardiff City obsessed boss has bought it and is planning on using it as a smoking shelter for his staff. How cool would that be.