What is also interesting is that whilst in NYC Ridsdale is meeting officials from the New York Mets. If your knowledge of American sports is a bit limited, the Mets play baseball at their brand new Citi Field stadium which they moved to in April. What Ridsdale is hoping for though is a whole host of American style tips and ideas on how to maximise the earning potential at the CCS, and ways of making matchdays not just about 90 minutes of football.
He could be onto something here. From my experience of going to a few baseball games in the States, the atmosphere at baseball games is superb and very family orientated. If anyone knows how to add that something extra to sporting occasions, it's the Americans.
In the cold light of day, I'm not sure how it'll look at a Championship level, and some football matchday purists will think it a complete waste of time. Is it going to be all chilli dogs, foam fingers and watered down lager? but applying these tips and ideas at a family level could be very succesful indeed.
Perhaps our American friends can tell him that the ticketing policy needs reviewing. Safe trip home PR.